Homeschooling is something of a rarity in South Africa as many parents do not see the benefits homeschooling has for their children. This pessimism is also derived from the lack of information and understanding of home school as a pivotal education ‘system’. This is for parents who are wondering what homeschooling can do for their children. So, why homeschooling?
1. One on One Settings
In a classroom in either a public or private school, your child has to compete for the educator’s attention with 15 to 40 other children. Children are different; attention spans, interests, strengths and weaknesses vary from child to child. An educator, as hard as they try, can never fully attend to each child’s every need.
2. Customized Learning Experiences
One size does not fit all. There are subjects and methods of teaching that are suitable for one child that will not benefit another. In a one on one setting, the parent or tutor can build on a child’s specific strengths while working on their weaknesses.
3. No Early Separation from Parents
Schools influence a child’s academic and social development as they start at a very early age. With homeschooling, parents will still have the luxury of raising their child the way they believe is best for their child.
4. More Participation in Domestic Duties
This does not mean that you have to pile your child up with chores to do in the home. However, this is the best opportunity to incorporate domestic growth with their academic growth. This will teach a child responsibility from an early age that goes beyond their education. This can range from helping with the dishes to planting a garden.
5. Plenty of Time for Discussion.
In class, children rarely have the opportunity to engage with an educator on topics they don’t understand, or if they want to explore further than what is offered by the curriculum. At home, your child has the freedom to dig as far as they need to, ask what they need to and gain knowledge in the pace and depth that builds them up better as an individual.
6. More Time to Pursue Personal Interest
Not every child was born to ace mathematics, sciences or accounting. This does not mean you neglect their growth in those subjects; rather, as you do that, spend more time developing their natural abilities. This will benefit them when they start pursuing their desired careers.
7. Engaging with Nature.
Children do not have time to enjoy fresh air and nature when they are in school. Playing and learning in nature benefits a child mental and physical development as they grow academically.
8. Learning in an Emotionally Safe Environment
Bullying is not something a parent can shield their child from especially when they are in school. Home school allows the child to learn and grow in a safe space without facing traumatic experiences of bullying, segregation, isolation and peer pressure.
9. Progressing at Their Own Pace
Schools move and move and move. This means that whether your child is ready to progress or not, they either have to move or are left behind. At home, a child can learn at their own pace without the pressure of following a strict curriculum and their peers. This allows them to master skills and information better in the best way they know how to.
10. Growing as a Family
Social skills, morality, principles and love start at home. Your child gets to grow in an environment where the people around them want the best for them and their future while learning and growing in all aspects of their life. Imagine the great people they would grow into with limited influence from the negativity of the world. The benefits of homeschooling go beyond academics. There are benefits in their mental health, social development, physical growth and other special circumstances. This does not mean that schools are bad for your children; not everyone has the luxury and resources to home school their children. However, if you are in the position, consider homeschooling for your child.